Our social impact
Social impact is at the heart of our business model. Our investments and decisions shape infrastructure and create space for communities to thrive.

The social aspects of our business
With a portfolio of office buildings, shopping centers, and leisure, we contribute to the social infrastructure in the Baltics, and we create space for local communities to thrive.
Our properties accommodate people who work and spend time in the buildings. As a result, our investment decisions, decisions on building amenities and improvements as well as community events that we initiate have a significant and direct impact on the health and mental and social wellbeing of many people.

Examples of shareholder engagement

Tenant dialogue
As an asset owner, it is crucial for us to have an ongoing dialogue with our tenants to understand how we can contribute to their success through improvements to our buildings, community events, reconstructions, and so forth.
Across asset classes, our asset and property managers are in direct contact with tenants and work together to improve assets and respond to any issues.
We conduct tenant satisfaction surveys at least annually and plan improvements accordingly.

Collaboration with
business partners
We engage with our business partners to ensure that the collaboration is built on mutual values of trust, transparency, and professionalism.

Investor communication
Maintaining a continuous and transparent communication with our investors is a key priority for us. We strive to provide investors with the information that they require to be well informed not only about the financial performance of the fund but also about strategic priorities, ESG, and events that might impact the fund’s activities.

Empowering our employees
We are committed to creating value to our shareholders and we strongly believe that empowering our employees is the key to maintaining and creating excellent product performance.