During the period from 24.09.2018 until 28.09.2018, the following transactions have been made:

Date Amount of units bought back Average unit price, EUR Total cost, EUR
24.09.2018 11445 1,3100 14 992,95
25.09.2018 11688 1,3000 15 194,40
26.09.2018 12163 1,2999 15 810,68
27.09.2018 12362 1,3000 16 070,60
28.09.2018 12021 1,2905 15 513,10
Total 59679 1,3000 77 581,73

As of the date of this announcement, Baltic Horizon Fund holds 278 402 own units.

All the acquisitions above have been made on Nasdaq Tallinn by SEB Pank AS, acting as a broker carrying out the buy-back program of the Fund units.

The buy-back program duration will be until 19.06.2019 in the course of which the Fund can acquire up to 5 million units for up to EUR 5 million for the price below the most recent NAV.

Additional information:

Tarmo Karotam
Baltic Horizon Fund manager
E-mail tarmo.karotam@nh-cap.com

The Fund is a registered contractual public closed-end real estate fund that is managed by Alternative Investment Fund Manager license holder Northern Horizon Capital AS.

Distribution: Nasdaq Tallinn, Nasdaq Stockholm, GlobeNewswire, www.baltichorizon.com